This is my Dad shoveling the roof. All the weight of that snow can pile up :)
Above: Granted, part of that is from the snow plows but that's still a lot of snow!
Left: It's Chestnut!
Below: Our pool cover ripped leaving us with a mess to clean up once all the snow melts. Below the layer of torn cover and snow is probably a bunch of frozen water. ...not good.
:P What fun. We don't have snow, except nasty, dirty piles from snowplows here and there. My personal favorite of these pictures would have to be of Chestnut watching her soon-to-be prey sailing through the air :) Glad to see you're enjoying the snow.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. You really ought to have given your snowman a different name; something wise and sage-like. I'll have to think on it and let you know if I come up with anything that sounds guru-ish.
haha, you don't like snowman squarepants? lol. well, tell me if you come up with something. we could call him methuselah (sp?) that's wise sounding. :)
Nice... Methuselah sounds very sage-like. I love it :)
I expected Johonn to have commented on this post several times, but I guess he'd with the choir, far from computers and snow.
nice pictures. I only wish they could bring the snow to my house...
Quite correct, paul...But ive been back for two days now and this is the first time i have been able to steal a little time to read blogs in depth, though i really shouldn't be.
I enjoyed the snow pictures, Christy, especially because thats all the snow I will see this year! Ahh, life.
well, i don't have too much sympathy since you're the one who trotted off to FLORIDA for spring break! ah, well, maybe i'll spare you a little. lol. did you have a good trip?
Well it wasn't all that bad...we had a grand total of about 4 hours at the beach, and that not all in one chunk...only went swimming once...stayed up past midnight almost every night and got up by 6:15 almost every morning, no id say it was rather relaxing... :)
Seriously, it was fun, and pretty much what i expected, so i was happy. :)
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