Our theme this summer is "Bound for the Promised Land". Every day throughout the week, we are going to have a small skit about the life of Moses. We'll start with him being saved by the princess and then progress through his life. On Friday night, he will have lived the entirety of his life and the Passion play will begin with him atop Mount Nebo. It is from his eyes that the life of Christ is viewed on stage. I'm so excited! I can see it all happening as I'm reading about it in Patriarchs and Prophets! What we will touch on is powerful and I can't wait to start writing it!
I'm telling you about this because I would love it if YOU came and worked at camp this summer! It is an incredible ministry and you will grow in ways you never thought possible. Believe me, I've experienced it! Not to mention that it is ABSOLUTELY gorgeous! (See the picture behind the title of my blog for an example! That's Camp Cherokee!) Some of you may have heard me talking to certain people about applying for Camp Cherokee but thought that because I hadn't talked to you specifically, that meant that you were not invited to apply. WRONG!! Please, if you have any desire to work at camp, talk to me! I would love to share with you what it's all about and get you set up with an interview with Pastor Dan when he comes down in a few weeks.
Seriously, consider my offer. I want to see you there! And not only do I want to see you there, but, even more importantly, I want to see you in the Promised Land. Never forget: that's where we're headed. Satan deceives more people by complacency and distraction than he does with outright evil.
As you enjoy your Sabbath today, I pray that you will remember that it is not about what you do or don't do, but it is about the presence of God in your life. Let His Holy Spirit enter the temple of your heart and you will be amazed at the transformation you will see.
Bound for the Promised Land,
That is a really neat idea for passion play and I look forward to seeing it.... I also look forward to seeing you at camp (all summer of course).
Sure! Thanks for the encouragement. Where is the dotted line for me to sign up for Camp? :With your salesmanship skills,Saranac is in danger of becoming a metropolis this summer!!
Grammy! I'm so glad you posted a comment on my blog! You could come be my co-programming director at camp! How does that sound?? I miss you! Tell Grampy hi :D :D
Alex, could you make me a Mount Nebo please?
What sort of dimensions were you thinking of?
Ok, here's what I was thinking. I've talked to Teddy a bit about this too. What I'm envisioning is a set of large wooden boxes with varying heights and lengths. We could then place them together and it would create different levels of the mountain (plus, large steps for Moses to walk up!). We would then use that foam stuff (do you know what its called? I can't think of the name) to create a 3-D rock-like look. We would finish it off by painting it different shades of grey/black. But the boxes would still be able to be separated for easy transport. Do you see what I mean? Maybe I'll draw out a picture and post it...
christy, the foam is called "good stuff". by the way, can we build a boat and sail to new zealand? it would be really fun. just think of the possibilities!!
lol, I think you will have to ensure Barry and John's presence at camp if you truly wish to build a sea-worthy boat. I'm sure they would be excited about the possibilities! I'll just join you on the trip! :) :)
Thanks again for supper tonight, Jen. It felt like being at home :) I've just finished my tea and now I'm going to bed. Hugs and toe-steps :D
Camp??? I think not. We made a deal. Summer program!
There are multiple ways of making "rock" some of which are cheaper or more transportable than others... what you are saying will work fine as long as we keep the materials to patch and paint over any scratch or bump that occurs to it... but for cost and mobility, without needing to use it for years on end....
What are your ideas, Alex? That was just what I thought of first... I'm open to suggestions :)
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