You are breaking me down
So break me into pieces
That will grow in the ground
I know that I deserve to die
For the murder in my heart
So be gentle with me Jesus
As you tear me apart
Kill the thief in me
You know that I am tired of their cruelty
Breathe into my spirit
Breathe into my veins
Until only love remains
And hold me to the earth
The fire only leaves behind whatever is of worth
I begin to see reality
For the first time in my life
I know that I’m a shadow
But I’m dancing in your light
Call me from the grave
Show me how to walk with you upon the waves
Breathe into my spirit
Breathe into my veins
Until only love remains
JJ Heller
Show me how to walk with you upon the waves
Breathe into my spirit
Breathe into my veins
Until only love remains
JJ Heller
*All pictures taken at the Howe residence in Maine
Mmmmm.... love the pictures and their relation to the works. You shot some great angles! I love the bowl with the sawdust. :)
Beautiful in more ways than one.
took awhile to see my toolbox as till now have only looked in in search of tools and never taken the eastern view. through your eyes, eye see it new. a gift it is to see, new, thanks to you. TRH
Thanks for having such an awesome toolbox for me to photograph! :) And for supplying the tools and wood for my awesome wooden spoon! I love it! :D
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