Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Today, with God

I find it highly amusing just to observe people. God was so creative when He designed us, and there is a surprise to find in each and every person. I think all too often we get distracted by the differences that we have with other people, and how we really don't care to know them because they seem so different from us. But we must not forget the greatest thing that we have in common with all man: our Creator. And if we were all created by the same loving God, than there is nothing that we can judge others on. Because their Creator, who is our Creator too, has infinite love for them. Just as He has for us. It's easy to account ourselves as superior, without really taking the time to think about what we are assuming. If we do this than we are inadvertently saying that God didn't do such a hot job when He created that person. And when it is put that way, it is obvious to see the error. We are altogether too hasty to observe the speck in our neighbor's eye and ignore the plank in our own. (Matt. 7:5)

Thankfully, we have a God who sees us where we are at, forgives us, and then wants to take us to a higher level of understanding. I am so thankful that He doesn't hold a grudge or remember our past sins. Because I know that I have a lot of them. It is so nice to know that, each and every day, we can start anew, cleansed of our past life.
I heard a quote once that I really like: "It is never too late to start being the person you always wanted to be."


  1. There was one thing in particular that you said that really struck me when I read this. When we look down on someone or have thoughts of disdain for any person, we are disapproving of the artwork of God. I had never really looked at it from that perspective before. And you're right, it's absolutely ridiculous; who am I to disregard an original piece of God's?
    Thanks for the post Christy, it provided me with new perspectives on people :)

  2. Hey Christy,

    I met your Mom on Sabbath. I guess she's been reading all of our blogs (without leaving comments--shame!). She seems like a wonderful mother. Didn't you guys visit my family in Maine at some point? Maybe I was in Africa at the time...

  3. Yeah, She told me :) She was very excited. I'll have to help her get an blogger account over break so she can leave you comments :) Yeah, we did visit you guys. I think I met David. I thought it was cool because he played the Cello :) I liked your house too :)

  4. David is cool. He play cello, as does my brother John, (the dude on Peru). I'm looking forward to your Mom's comments!

  5. Wait, they both play cello?! Now I'm very confused as to who I met. Well, I met one of them :)

  6. John is my little brother. David is a friend (25 year old med student). You may have met both:-)

  7. OOOOooooh. *nods in understanding* Then I do believe it was probably John. wow, kinda confusing. Yay cello's!

  8. John is very cool, but viola beats cello any day of the week.

    I hope you've been reading John's blog...

    mind if I add a link to your blog on mine?

  9. I would be honored to be linked to your blog. And yes, I have been trying to keep up with John's blog. Finals however, must occupy my time today.

    to compromise: Don't cello's and viola's make such wonderful music together? :)

  10. Im sure you realize that paul's seemingly inflammatory comments are harmless and jesting in nature...
    Based on experience, I'd advise you not to take anything paul says seriously! :)

    (that last comment was of course in the same spirit)

  11. i'm sure I do realize. lol, do i seem all that serious to you? hmmmm? i was just in a compromising mood.

  12. just making sure...
    of course you don't seem serious...you never are!

    j/k :D

  13. hmmmmm, you'd be surprised.

  14. well, I'm never serious, in less I'm asking for prayers concerning my final exams, which I am.

    don't take Jon seriously either:-)

  15. Consider your request granted ;)
