Friday, May 25, 2007

Yay!! [A Photo Essay]

Ok, so, this might not seem like a very big deal to some of you. I mean, it's only my NY learners permit. But it's taken a lot to get it and i'm very happy! Now I just need to get my license...


  1. My goodness, how have you survived all these years without driving?! :-O hehe but congrats! And I wish upon you many happy hours driving...please take care not to hurt yourself, others or innocent animals as you practice. :)
    P.S. Yes, indeed I have a blog but I haven't used it much as...*sniffle* I don't know many blogging people and don't have a lot of blogging expertise and have always been very devoted to my xanga. :) Happy Sabbath!

  2. Congratulations! how come the pictures are mirror images?
    anyway, be careful, there are a lot of crazy drivers out there, including yours truly... :)

  3. Under 51... no wait it says 21. :)

  4. i'm writing a comment cuz that was a funny photo essay..smiles!

  5. For the next year you need to post, at least 24 hours ahead of time, when and where you plan to drive so that we are all warned. All first time drivers are dangerous! (I was no exception - I had several property-damaging accidents when I was learning to drive... thankfully we were still able to use the broken haybales and I was quite experienced by the time I turned six that fall)

  6. lol, this isn't the first time i've driven. I had my permit down in VA for like 2 yrs but then we moved so it got all confusing. But I'll try and warn you guys beforehand... lol.

    goodness, SIX years old Alex? ARGH!

    Johonn: cuz i took them on my macbook :) :)

  7. good job!
    now you can drive, stick shift vehicles in emergencies =)

  8. Yay!!!
    I'll vouch for her safe driving - she was doing great a couple years ago - and it can only improve - right?!


  9. Haha, I have to agree with Thomson... Christy, now you need to practice driving stick so that you can rescue Thomson and I next time ;)

  10. lol, I will try and become very proficient in the art of stick-shifting so that I can fly to your rescue the next time that situation happens upon us.

  11. Yay for Christy!!!! How exciting!
