Sunday, May 18, 2008

A flower essay in photos


  1. haha, yet another flower to be dried. very cute!

  2. Interestingly, flower color morphs somewhere between pictures one and three.

    Thomson must be quite a masterful biologist to pull off a trick like that!

  3. Either that or Christy's quite the masterful photographer ;)

    Sweet :)

  4. I must say I had the same observation as John. But on second examination it appears as though the redbud blossoms are in his other hand in the final pictures.

  5. My violin misses your cello... I'm looking forward to the reunion this weekend!

  6. sarah: and now many more to dry after all the wild flowers we picked this weekend...

    jonas, kristin, alex: you are all three corect! 1.) thomson is a masterful biologist. 2.) Christy is a masterful photographer. 3.) Thomson is holding the purple flowers in a slightly hidden position.

    lorrie: :) :) :)

    caitlin: my cello will have to wait an extra week until it gets to see its beloved violin roommate again.

  7. Those pictures do tell a sweet story. :)
