Thursday, June 05, 2008


A couple of weekends ago was Graduation at Southern. I love photography but I don't even have a point and shoot camera at the moment so whenever I can steal Taylor's SLR camera, I get trigger happy. Here are a few (ok, 15 to be exact) that I liked :)

Doesn't Lyndsey have the most captivating eyes?

I love it when these guys laugh :D

Now if Derek just wouldn't have posed...

I love photographing Seth. He's so handsome, in a little boyish way!

Haha! Finally, one where Thomas isn't trying to hide from the camera!




  1. Greetings Christy! :D

    I like your photography work. You have a talent for capturing their expresses. I can't wait to see more of your art.

    ~Jen Seal

  2. LOL Christy, you HAVE to know what I am laughing at!!! I am so amused!

  3. Bekah:
    haha, i thought that might be why you were laughing. i'll have to check with my mom about coming to your house. pester me until i do, ok!

  4. Stupendous pictures, Christy!! I love the expressions captured, especially the one of Skylar in the swing.

  5. These are really great :) I have a few favorites... but you're so good at taking the picture at just the right moment. We'll have to do one last photoshoot at camp before I leave.

  6. lol, which ones are your favorites??

  7. The first one of Thomson, the first one of Seth, and the one of Sarah. I think I like those the best.

  8. OH Christy i LOVE your new picture on top of your blog! Yes! do a photo shoot at camp! I don't have a pic of Kristin and me...I need one so that I can have it on my desk and think about her all year long :)

  9. I love the pics! Especially, of course, of my own little hatchlings. Kelsey clued me in that you had some awesome pics of my offspring on your site. They're so sweet! (The pics...yes, the kids are sweet too, though...) :D

  10. You spelled my name wrong, Christy! It is Derrick.

  11. Yes, yes, yes. I can forgive.

    I know. I'll miss you all too! But, this blog thing has been hid from me for too long. It will be a great way to keep in touch with everyone.

