Wednesday, January 28, 2009

An apple, a muffin, and God's notice of the small things :)

You know, God really does answer prayers! Even the one's we don't pray!

This morning I have been working at Thatcher front desk since 4 a.m. I get pretty hungry by 5 or 6 and so usually, at 8 when I get off work, I am quite ready to go eat breakfast. But on Wednesday's I have a class so I can't go and eat. Usually I forget to bring food but I had a yogurt left over from last night's supper so I brought that. Of course, that's not enough, but at least it's something! But today, God has brought so many people with food for me! First Allie offered to bring me breakfast. I had my yogurt and she would have to go out of her way to get it for me, so I didn't take her up on the offer. But it was still really nice of her! And then Laurel walked in and, totally out of the blue, offered me an apple! Then, as Emily Fisher was walking out the door, she paused, came back, and gave me a muffin in celebration of Olivia's birthday. Now, it's almost time to go to class and I have had a wonderful, diverse, God-given breakfast.

Thanks guys!

1 comment:

  1. God's pretty amazing like that!
    I have that little book on the 23rd Psalm and your experience made me think of the page that says, "He gives me everything I need."

    Hope you had a great day! :D
