Thursday, February 05, 2009

Consider the ants...

It's 0645 and little ants make their way across my dimly lit wall...

We've had ants ever since the beginning of school but never in such an excess to prompt us to do something about them. Amanda, who last year was a student missionary to Thailand, is quite used to ants on and IN everything. She said that at first she would pick the ants out of her food but eventually, she just stopped worrying about it. So early on, I determined that I'd better get used to the ants too. Who knows, maybe someday I will be a missionary in an area where ants outnumber air molecules 3 to 1... you never know! My room here at Southern would be my training ground!

Sometimes, if I have the time or feel in the mood, I'll go on ant squishing rampages and any moving 6-legged creature that is in my path will die to regret it. But then there are other days, like today, where I will sit back and just watch their tiny feet take them hastily across my wall, to places unknown and food unseen.

Wait, food unseen? Hmm... What exactly IS their food source, anyway? I can understand why a lot of them hang out by the sink, but why are they all the way over here by my desk? The Bible refers to the diligence of ants, so I'm sure they are not just out for the scenery... my desk is not THAT spectacular. Maybe they make a stop at the picture of my parents that sits next to my computer; they sure ARE a good lookin' couple. Or maybe its the picture next to my parents, the one of my SINGLE brother. But surely they understand that he's not really their type. And so, my tired, flu-infested brain finally makes the conclusion that they must be headed somewhere, with some purpose in mind. Knowing ants like I feel I do, they must be after food.

So a search ensues. What food do I have way over here that interests them so much. Is it this grapfruit sitting amidst the tangle of my computer cord? No, it's skin acts as an excellent protector against preying ants. Could it be this bag of dried refried beans that sits in my bottom drawer that I stole from my brother's stash after he left for Ethiopia but have never once touched? Now that's a possibility. I don't see any ants around it but they could be disguised amidst the brown flakes. I reluctantly take the half-full bag over to the trash. It's probably time that it says its last goodbyes. (I'm sorry Joel, I should have used it!)

All this searching has prompted my brain to make some rather interesting conclusions.
1. The ants are here with a purpose: they are looking for an energy source. And the fact that they have been my early-morning friends for the whole school year indicates that they stopped looking a long time ago and are now collecting from this energy source. Humans are also looking for both physical and mental fulfillment. They will continue searching until they find something that they think meets their needs
2. By following the ants path, where they trod and where they don't, I can locate the source of their energy. If time were not wittling away as I type, I might follow one to the end of it's travels. Who knows, maybe it would run frantically in circles searching for the now-absent bag of refried beans. By observing others, it doesn't take long to discover where their energy is derrived from. Where do they go back to the most? What do they think about, talk about, and live for?
3. Unfortunately for the ants, their energy source isn't permanent. I have removed the bag and now they must search elsewhere for their food. Unfortunately for many humans, their energy source isn't permanent either. Satan has set out alluring refried bean bags to distract them from the everlasting energy source: God.

Now, I know that these are conclusions we have all heard in some form or another. But it doesn't hurt to be reminded now and again of the truths that lie therein. Where is your energy source? Is it that bag of refried beans that will eventually disappear? Can others tell by watching your path that you are drinking at The Everlasting Waterfall and not Satan's stagnant, scum-topped pond?

"Go to the ant, O sluggard, Observe her ways and be wise" -Proverbs 6:6

It is 0720 and my little friends make their way across my dimly lit wall...


  1. 4. If they take the wrong path, they may lose their lives. Similarly, if people choose the path of destruction rather than the path of righteousness, they will lose eternal life.

    As you can tell, I've had a couple of experiences with ants this year too. I appreciate the fact that you can sit there and learn lessons from them. But their squirming huddles and painful bites urge me to quickly vacuum them up and spray Raid around the room to prevent their return. I'm afraid I wouldn't make a great missionary. :(

  2. how come you didnt name them :( they would probably be happier ants if they only had names...

  3. Christy, I love this. As ants to their energy source...
    And I also have satchels filled with missionary-brother-food in my closet :)

  4. Christen: Raid definitely has its place :)

    Jen: I would feel bad to name an ant and then kill it!
