Friday, September 11, 2009

The Plan

Yep, it's that time of year again. Seating auditions are fast approaching. (See this post for last year's reaction.) Sunday afternoon at 1:32 pm, I will walk through that oh-so-scary door to see Mrs. Minner's beaming face. But something's different this time because this year will be my last seating auditions with dear Mrs. Minner.

I'm rather nostalgic about that fact. It's sad. For all my fear and trepidation of said auditions, this last one means that I really am a Senior. There will be no more SAU orchestra for me after this year. No more laughing at Mrs. Minner's silly jokes and crazy puns. No more joking with Allana or stealing her shoes. No more awesome, powerful cello section. Sad...

I learned recently in Ancient Classics that there are two main ways to break down barriers between humans. Two ways to get everyone on the same page and create comradeship: Laughter and tears. In this case, I think I'd like to work on the laughter option.

So here's the plan. On Sunday, I'm going to walk into Mrs. Minner's office with confidence. I'm going to sit down, look her in the eye, and tell her that this is my last audition and that I am determined not to leave it crying. I'm going to tell her how scared I have always been but how this year is going to be different. I'm going to tell her how much I've appreciated her leadership, her genuine joy, her depth, and her awesome commentary during practice.

Hopefully, she'll laugh. And barriers will come down. And then I'll be able to play my cello freely and joyfully, with no choking up of my throat or tears welling in my eyes. I'll probably do just about the same as I've always done, but I think it's going to be a much better experience! Wish me luck! (or better yet, wish me good intonation! ;D)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I found the main ways to break down barriers very interesting. There's definitely a truth with that. I've been doing some research on interpersonal communication and defense mechanisms. It's funny what takes place when people interact. Senior year is fun and fast. Enjoy every second of it! :)

  3. Results: No crying, very relaxed, the best yet! :)

  4. aw Christy! Your plan worked far to just sailed up about four seats with no regard for me at all :( Just kidding! I'm proud of you!

  5. I MISSSS YOUUUUU!!!!!!!!! lol, well, we'll see what happens after tomorrow. We might just be seeing (or hearing, rather) more of each other... ;)

  6. I just had to comment and say that I thought the use of the word sail was particularly well done. Being as I've always imagined cellists sailing about in those great big um well boats. No offense to the mighty cello however it is merely my imagination at work. Hope your dispute was settled satisfactorily Christy although from the sound of things it was a win win situation. :)
