Saturday, October 31, 2009

"Proclaim His Grace" by Dr. Bruce Ashton voted for GC 2010 Theme song

Check this out! I really want to sing Dr. Ashton's new song!

Click here for an mp3 version or here for the sheet music.


  1. Whoa. Christy, the little statistics counter thing on your page is super intense. It makes me feel like there's a news feed running across the bottom of your page. I'm trying to decide if I like it or if it's a little overwhelming for me. I think I like it. I like the idea of it anyway. But it's a little distracting when I'm trying to read. Yet, it is super cool to see all those countries and how many visitors and things.

    Anyway... Just thought I'd give you some feedback :) whether or not you wanted it.

  2. lol, why thank you, Kristin! Yeah, I'm still deciding if I like it as well. It will probably stay up for a while, but not indefinitely. :)

  3. Besides, I wonder how accurate it actually is. Because Kyrgyzstan never shows up as a country and I KNOW Barry has looked at my blog. lol ;)

  4. Wow! That's great! Thanks for posting it. :D

  5. Ahh I see me! I'm Willow Grove, PA!! I'm reading Christy's Blog ;)
