Wednesday, February 03, 2010

One Month

It's been one month since I was in my accident.  My official diagnosis was a "left zygomatic fracture and a left orbital floor fracture".  I decided it was time for an update seeing as the last blog I posted with pictures of myself was somewhat disturbing.  I took a video while walking to orchestra but then I realized that I was holding the camera in my right hand so its kinda hard to see my left cheek clearly. So I asked the nice cafeteria lady take a picture of Joel and I after orchestra.

Thank you for your prayers, phone calls, and e-mails!  I've really appreciated them all.


  1. My what a beautiful smile you have :)

  2. Lovely. I know I'm the fiancee, and such a comment is expected, but I'm also completely sincere. You are lovely. Completely, absolutely lovely.

  3. I agree with your fiancee ;) You look lovely! I also liked the cameo of Sarah coming from Talge haha.

  4. What a great way to multi-task! Yay! I'm glad that you're doing better and are pretty much all healed up :D and are caught up with classes! Congrats for that too! That's a big accomplishment in itself.

  5. Oh Christy I am so glad your doing better! Keep that smile!! :D hugs from me!
