Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Travel - Day 12

July 18, 2010
Left at 5:45 am, 77° F
Average Miles per gallon: 35.34
Miles traveled today: 635 miles
Total miles traveled: 2,788 miles

We left campmeeting early Sunday morning after taking cool showers to refresh us from the hot, humid dawn.  Barry was especially excited to see that the speed limit on back roads was 65 mph!

We crossed the panhandle of Texas traveling on back roads and enjoying the scenery.

That's when we saw this sign... Needless to say, Barry was even more excited :)

Not only did we like the Colorado Welcome sign the best, but they also have the fastest speed limit for back roads!  Don't worry Moms, we're only going between 60 mph and 65 mph because we're taking good care of our little Coracle :)

We drove through a cool lightning storm in the plains of Colorado.  For most of it, we were able to drive in a clear patch that lay between two very dark storms.  The lightening was fantastic!

Approaching the Great Sand Dunes, where we spent the night. :)


  1. Awesome pictures! My favorites:

    The first

    The New Mexico welcome sign

  2. Wow, you're really getting out there! Thanks for sharing your trip with us--your pictures are amazing!!

  3. I love the Colorado welcome sign! Makes me want to go there even more...
