Monday, January 31, 2011

Lost Photographs of 2010 - Part 6 (Nature)

Alright friends, this is the last installment of the series "Lost Photographs of 2010", I promise (I think)!  But thanks for letting me share.  It was fun to go back through my pictures and reclaim lost gems.  Here is the last category: nature.

And a few extras from a different category that I forgot to post earlier:

teehee :)


  1. Oooh. I love them, especially the one with the bundle of butterflies. :D

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Awesome pictures Christy! Keep up the good work.

  4. I like the baby leaves opening - that is a very nice picture!

  5. Christy,
    These pictures of nature are so refreshing! I especially like the picture of the closed daffodil bud.
    Thanks for sharing!

    Love n' prayers to you both!

  6. Number 7 inspires me - it's warm somehow. (odd for a picture of a rock!)
    I hope you and Barry have a great Sabbath!

  7. By odd I mean - "fantastic job, Christy!" lol

  8. I like the last picture ;)

  9. Elissa - that picture was taken at the Great Staircase (the same place we took our wedding pictures) about a week before our wedding. The sun was shining on it and it created the warm colors :)

  10. That is a great place! Some of my best memories happened there....

    Hey, another blog soon???!! I think daily would suffice. Yeah, that seems about right - daily would be fine.... The people agree.
