Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Choosing Life

Today is an incredible day in California.  Spring is here in full force.  All the trees are budding, pristine white and pink, like curls of white chocolate, freshly shaved.  A warm breeze floats over hills, rustling the palm trees above my head.

Spring is here, but am I present enough to experience it?  Am I aware of the beauty and the wonder of life that surrounds me?

If I don't take time to truly see, the sun shines for nought and the trees bud in all their glory with no one to appreciate.  If I don't take time to truly hear, the bird songs are lost to the wind.  If I don't take time to experience, all this incredible beauty goes to waste.

And God, He tries to speak, but I shut my Bible too quick.  He whispers truths, but I turn on the noise of my daily tasks.  He beckons me to come and drink of His living water, but instead I start supper.  He points to the flowers, the hills, the birds, asking me to stop and meditate on His creation, but I hurry along to the store.

But there comes a point when I can no longer ignore His invitation to truly experience, truly live, truly worship.  His call pierces through the static like loons calling over the dark waters of my home away from home.

And I remember that I have a choice to turn off the static.  Each morning I have a choice, as Allie so aptly put it, to climb the mountain with God, or stay huddled at the bottom.  I have the choice to follow His voice in the direction of people, places, words, and feelings.  I have a choice.  So I choose, yet again, to turn off the static, to put away the clutter in my day, and to deeply experience life.

The thief comes only to steal and destroy.  I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly.    
- John 10:10


  1. Spring is so beautiful - I'm glad God points it out to us.

  2. Being present is something God is teaching me as well. Today I talked to one of my friends that works at Camp Wawona, and I was talking about Cherokee. It made me miss our home away from home!

  3. So important Christy :)

    ... As I read I was thinking - I don't believe that God's beauty is ever wasted. The natural grandeur of the wild world he created is not less in value if a human isn't "there" to appreciate it. Simply, that we become richer or poorer for noticing all His gifts that surround us.

    And there are so very many of them!
