Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Vermont Wedding

This summer I played music in a lovely wedding of Emily Knott in Peacham, Vermont.  It was just wonderful :)  Good friends, good food, and nature.

The wonderful cabin we stayed at off in the mountains.  There is just something about going to bed by candlelight...
My beautiful mother! :)
Again :)
Mmmm....  Vermont and New Hampshire mountains.  You just can't beat them!
Joyful Caitlin on a tree swing :)

It's me!
Emily's lovely pond that we've heard so many stories about.

The one and only picture I got of the bride, so I had to include it :)
Kristin and Phoebe
I miss New England lakes


  1. My goodness, they're beautiful. Even the simplest creations of God simply takes my breath away.

  2. Lovely memories--thanks for capturing them in your pictures!
