Saturday, February 09, 2013

Sierra Morning

I was talking to my brother last night and he reminded me of some pictures from a trip that I took to Northern California late last summer to visit my dear friend Caitlin in Yosemite.  So I started digging around and found them!  On our way up to Yosemite, we did a quick hike into the Sierra's.  We experienced an incredible sunset on our way up into the mountains.
And then a sublime alpine Sabbath morning.  I love how morning light changes.


  1. Stunning photos! I especially love the sunset and Bible ones. Have a lovely Sabbath!

  2. Spectacular Christy!
    The sunset reminds me of a poem-
    "The night shall be filled with music,
    And the cares that infest the day,
    Shall fold their tents like the Arabs,
    And silently steal away."

  3. Great job capturing the light! I like the Island picture :)

  4. Splendid photos, Christy! They are a delight to look at. Thank you for sharing!
