Monday, August 09, 2010


We left Zion National Park on a Sunday morning, the 25th of July.  We traveled through Nevada but my camera was on a funny setting when I tried to take a picture of the welcome sign so I decided to create my own out of the blurry picture that ensued :)

Aaah... the sign we've been dreaming of for 4,000 miles...

Traffic on I-15 was ridiculous so we took a back road to cross over to I-40.  Along that back road we found this little Post Office so we dropped off some thank you letters that we'd been writing.  We wish we'd taken pictures of the other Post Offices that we stopped at along our way because most of them were literally in the middle of NOWHERE.  We liked them :)

When we arrived, we were so grateful to be home that we didn't even think to take a picture or check the mileage!  We felt terrible about this afterwards but I'm sure you can understand our plight.  Instead, Barry put together this awesome map detailing our trip.  We realized that, if you include our honeymoon, we have traveled from the most northeasterly location of North America to almost the most southwesterly spot of the U.S.

This route is 4,458.96 miles long but we ended up traveling much more than that because of our travels at each location.

Here are the stops we made:
A= Meat Cove, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada
B=Harpswell, Maine (Barry's home)
C=South Lancaster, Massachusetts (Christy's home)
D=Mount Airy, Maryland (Christy's Grammie's home)
E=Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky
F=Wewoka Woods Adventist Center (Oklahoma campmeeting with the Fisher Family)
G=Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado
H=Arches National Park (Moab, Utah)
I=Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah
J=Zion National Park, Utah
K=Loma Linda, California!!!!!!!!

Here are pictures that correspond with each stop.

And all the welcome signs (we missed some between Massachusetts and West Virginia)

We had a great time and saw many beautiful places, but we're very glad to be here!  Barry started Medical school last Thursday and I am looking for a nursing job.  Stay tuned for two more posts on our trip: a panorama picture post and a video blog!


  1. Great post!! I wish we could always see waymarks from people's trip. Thanks, Christy and Barry!

  2. you have your compass points a bit backwards I think you started in the northeast and ended up in the southwest but I have enjoyed your travel blog greatly regardless of the travel direction

  3. Hurray! What a great roadtrip! :D I'll be praying about your job situation.

  4. hey... did I see a stuffed Moose??? What did his name end up being, anyway?

  5. Hi Kelsey! Yes, you did see a stuffed moose! His name is Willard Froggle. Before we got married he was our wise old chaperone. Now, he's just an old friend that travels with us on trips :) :)
