Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sojourn: Days 6-8

Our travel from Massachusetts to Maryland (Travel: Day 5) was pretty uneventful and I didn't have my camera out so no State Welcome signs this time :(

However, we had a wonderful time visiting family and friends here in Maryland.  For the first few days we stayed with Grammy and she had a whole list of things to get done with us.  We went swimming in her water aerobics class, visited her friend Madge who is a retired clown, and took 3 rambunctious dogs to the vet (consider this dog mix: a Great Pyrenees named Marlene, an Anatolian named Julie, and a tiny rat terrier named Chipper.)  Unfortunately, we don't have pictures from that adventure.

We also visited the wonderful Houman family and are currently sitting at the table of Barry's Aunt and Uncle, Ted and Beth Howe with blueberry muffins that Ansley made late last night for our breakfast :)  It's a beautiful morning here and despite the malfunction of our alarm clock, we are excited to hit the road for Kentucky where we'll be staying in Mammoth Cave National Park.

Morning pictures from the field beside Papa Howe's house :)

Until next time, (and I'm not sure when that will be because who knows when we'll have internet next!) we bid you "adieu".

<3, Barry and Christy :)

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