Tuesday, December 19, 2006

My New Shoes!

Yay for my new shoes! I accidentally (yes, accidentally) left my other "everyday" shoes at school. They've been worn out for a long time but we just haven't had time to get new ones. Well, since I forgot them, this provided the perfect opportunity to get new shoes! yay!

I do feel rather silly posting a blog about my new shoes but hey, I guess hard as I try I cannot forever disguise the fact that I am a girl. haha, those of you that know me will laugh at that last statement. And those of you who don't, you can just go ahead and think I'm weird. lol.


Paul said...

I left my shoes at school too. but I stole a old pair of John's instead of buying new ones. Good thing the three brothers share a shoe size!

Kristin said...

Sounds like a good plan for Paul... But somehow I don't think that Christy could get away with borrowing Joel's shoes.

Christy Joy said...

yeah, they're just a tad too big. too bad I don't have sisters. well, I have kristin when i'm at school :D We know all about sharing shoes. ;)

Paul said...

why didn't you make the Reef's do service for the whole break? what about sticking to bare feet? After all, God didn't make us with hooves or paws.

Actually, I can't talk. Well meaning relations bought me some rather useless articles. (we've celebrated the first round of Christmas already) The store would only give trade in credit, so I ended up with a dandy new pair of foot gear.

Sharing is good. Maybe we should hold all things in common--like the early church...

Christy Joy said...

Maybe we should, Paul, maybe we should. Except if I happened to need those new shoes you chanced upon then I would have to have them air mailed. The distance does pose a problem.

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