As I was looking through Cook's Illustrated this morning, I ran across a recipe for Blueberry Buckle. It looked really good and for once, I had all the ingredients that it called for! So I set out the frozen blueberries to thaw and made plans to make a yummy dessert for supper. Well, everything went

super until I was just about to add the blueberries to the batter. As I measured the blueberries into the 1 cup measuring cup, I thought to myself "Self, this 1 cup measuring utensil seems a little bit small!" I looked at the handle. Oh shucks, the number had washed off. It was on a ring that held all the other sizes of measuring cups and I had automatically picked the biggest one to measure out the 4 cups of blueberries. I compared it to another measuring cup that I had and sure enough, it was only a 1/2 a cup! Phew, I caught my error in time! ...uh oh... I had measured out the flour using that measuring cup! Now, according to my calculations, flour is a pretty important ingredient. And I had measured out cups with 1/2 cups! Oh goodness. Now, you might be asking, "Why didn't silly chef Christy just add the flour then?" Well, that's a mighty good question! You see, my memory isn't anything to brag about. I think it was probably due to one too many tussles with my brother. (ok, joking, joking) Anyways, I couldn't remember if I had noticed that it was only a 1/2 cup when I was adding the flour and if I had compensated by adding twice the amount. And so, I wasn't sure if I should add more! Anyway, I was tired of baking so I just threw in the towel (ok, not literally guys! That would have made for one disgusting Blueberry Buckle) and added the blueberries and stuck it in the oven, hoping that there really was the right amount of flour. An hour later, when it was supposed to be coming out of the oven ready for immediate devouring, it was still quite the battery mess. So, what does a sensible girl do except to turn up the heat and stick it back in for a while longer? (This is not meant to be a debate on my sensibility. I think we all know what the outcome would be) Well, needless to say, my Blueberry Buckle finally came out of the oven more "cake-like" than "soup-like". The topping that was supposed to be soft a crumbly turned out like hard-candy. But, amazingly, the inside wasn't all that bad! If the taffy-like topping was pushed aside, my Blueberry Buckle wasn't half bad (even though it only had 1/2 the flour)! So, that's the story of my baking adventure for today. I guess I'll just have to make it again ;)
*Note: Unfortunately, the picture shown here is what my blueberry buckle was supposed to look like, rather than an actual picture of it's appearance.